Brazilian Duo

It’s Brazil in the Baltics.


Powerful percussions, energetic music and rhythms that will make anyone dance.

Rodrigo and Rafael carry the Brazilian carnival in their guitar strings and drum beats.

If music lights up places, Nalata brings the sun!

Carnival Concert - Latvia, 2023


Born in Campinas – SP, Brazil, grew up with influences of Samba from his father and R&B from his mother.

He has played in various samba groups and country music bands.

When he arrived in Latvia, he was influenced by various other rhythms and cultures.

He focuses on creating music that speaks to everyone.

Rodrigo Manfrinatti



Born in Brasília – DF, capital of Brazil. Rafael began his career as a percussion artist in 2002 playing Samba, MPB, Axé music and Pop Rock. Over the years he has participated in many festivals across Brazil.

After years of partnership, he made appearances with musicians of national renown in Brazil and around the world, such as Alexandre Carlo (Natiruts) Ellen Oleria, Gog, and Marceleza (Maskavo).

Rafael Nascimento
